Structure and Organisation

FutMon is being carried out by 38 beneficiaries from nearly all EU member states. All participating organisation already have broad experience in the field of forest monitoring. The tasks covered by the project are structured in 9 Action Groups that involve 246 individual actions.

Action Groups

Name Main objective Head
 M1-M8FutMon Project Management
Validation and Storage of data
Publication of Results
Martin Lorenz
 L1Creation of large scale representative monitoring grid
(based on Level I and NFIs)
Martin Lorenz
Gherardo Chirici
 L2Large scale representative monitoring
Test of methods for adapting data from NFIs (based on Level I and NFIs)
Martin Lorenz
Annemarie Bastrup-Birk
 IM1Selection of plots and attributes to be monitored in the future
(integration of D actions, see below)
(based on Level II)
Oliver Granke
 D1Improvement of methods for collecting data on tree vitality and adaptation
(based on Level II)
Johannes Eichhorn
 D2Refinement and development of monitoring methods in the field of nutrient cycling and critical loads
(based on Level II)
Pasi Rautio
 D3 Improvement of methods for collecting data on water budgets
(based on Level II)
Stephan Raspe
 C1 Coordination of quality assurance and quality control of monitoring data (QA/QC)
Quality assurance in laboratories
(all applied methods)
Marco Ferretti
Nils König
 A1 Scientific analysis of monitoring dataSusanne Iost


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a Life+ co-financed project for the "Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System".

logo World Forestry

The project coordination centre is situated at the Institute for World Forestry, Hamburg, Germany.

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Look at our partners

The FutMon project assembles 38 institutions in 24 EU countries